About the ERTMS logo

Since September 2010, ERTMS has a logo. The rules related to the use of the logo are further explained in the FAQ below.

Please address UNIFE directly for specific queries. For more information, please read the ERTMS logo Code of Conduct or contact Victoria Campos and Rachely Burgos per email.

Do I have to pay a fee to use the ERTMS logo?



I am a supplier of ERTMS products, but not a member of UNISIG. Am I allowed to use the logo?

Specific criteria will apply, such as the ability to deliver ERTMS-compliant products – please see enclosed Code of Conduct for more information. In any case, you should first establish contact with the UNIFE Secretariat.

May I pick up the ERTMS logo from loc.ertmsnew and use it in my communications material?

What are the objectives of the ERTMS logo?

The objectives and purposes of the ERTMS logo are defined as follows:

  • To demonstrate the commitment both technically and financially of like-minded and capable, World Class signalling companies to introduce ERTMS standard products and systems on a Global and interoperable basis.
  • To generate within the Licensed Users group a sense of responsibility and ownership in the manner of use of the logo and a sense of joint responsibility for the correct use, protection and advancement of the logo in the world market by all Licensed users.
  • To promote the introduction or extension of ERTMS technology into a market location by a recognised ERTMS supplier.
  • To provide confidence to non-implementers of ERTMS technology that positive deployment of ERTMS into their national rail development plans for both infrastructure and onboard applications will be technically and commercially beneficial.

Who is allowed to use the ERTMS logo?

Why is the ERTMS logo legally protected?

Just like any product’s logo, there was a need to avoid misuses. This would for example be caused by companies claiming to have ERTMS-compliant products when this is not the case, third parties selling low quality, unreliable material that could damage ERTMS’ image, etc.